vSure WebApp API

Integrate with the vSure end-to-end work rights compliance platform using our simple, v1 RESTful API

Retrieve Work Rights Status

You can retrieve existing employee/contractor work rights status via a POST or PUT.



An API key for specific IP Address(es) must be requested from vSure support. Please use the Zendesk "Submit a Request" and please include:

  • Your company name;
  • Your product name (if different);
  • The vSure client company name;
  • Developer Contact name;
  • Developer Contact Email;
  • Your Development IP Address(es) for white-listing;
  • Your Live environment IP Address(es) for white-listing;

Once an API key has been created, vSure will use this API key to authenticate all API connections to the vSure web app.

The Account Key

The vSure client must also include the account key provided on the "My Account" screen in the vSure WebApp, as part of the request data. vSure will use this key to identify the account/dataset.


Description https request Retrieve Work Rights POST OR PUT /employee/v1/getdata

Retrieve Work Rights


Our retrieve work rights API accepts JSON format:







accountkeyid - string - required

The key id of the account, obtainable from the account table.

type - string - required

Must be "workrights".

PLUS one of the following:

key_id - string

The key id of the employee, obtainable from the employee table and list.

onboard_id - string

The id of the employee self-onboard, obtainable from the onboard table and list. Think of this as the right to work request transaction ID.

employee_id - string

The Employee ID of the employee, obtainable from the employee table and list.

So it is crystal clear: accountkeyid AND type AND ONLY one of the following (keyid or onboard_id or the employee_ID) must be present.


  "nationality":"New Zealand",
	"status": "Work restriction 8105 applies",


key_id - string

The unique key id of the employee/contractor/candidate, obtainable from the employee table and list.

onboard_id - string

The unique id of the employee/contractor/candidate self-onboard request, obtainable from the onboard table and list.

employee_id - string

The external id of the employee/contractor/candidate.

given_names - string

The first name of the employee/contractor/candidate.

family_name - string

The surname of the employee/contractor/candidate.

date_of_birth - date

The DOB of the employee/contractor/candidate.

nationality - string

The citizenship country of the employee/contractor/candidate.

visa_held - string

The description of the visa / work rights of the employee/contractor/candidate.

status - string

Further details on the visa / work rights of the employee/contractor/candidate. e.g. "Resident" or "Work restriction 8105 applies"

visa_expiry_date - date

The expiry date of the employee/contractor/candidate's work rights including consideration of 8547 "6 month rule". That is, if a working holiday maker, 6 months from start date, or visa expiry date, whichever comes first.

vevo_expiry_date - date

The expiry date of the employee/contractor/candidate's visa per Home Affairs.