vSure WebApp API

Integrate with the vSure end-to-end work rights compliance platform using our simple, v1 RESTful API

Self-Onboarding Endpoint

You can manage "self on-boarding via email/SMS" in vSure for a new employee/contractor/candidate via the RESTful API.

The vSure API address is:


The API Key

An API key for specific IP Address(es) must be requested from vSure support. Please use the Zendesk "Submit a Request" above or click here and please include:

Your company name; Your product name (if different); The vSure client company name; Developer Contact name; Developer Contact Email; Your Development IP Address(es) for white-listing; Your Live environment IP Address(es) for white-listing; Once an API key has been created, vSure will use this API key to authenticate the API connections.

The Account Key

The vSure client must also include the account key provided on the My Account Screen (see below) as part of the request data. vSure will use this key to add the employee/contractor/candidate to the account. image.png


Description https request:

List Onboards POST or PUT /v1/onboarding/list

Get Onboard Details POST or PUT /v1/onboarding/get

Create New Onboard POST or PUT /v1/onboarding/

Update Onboard Request POST or PUT /v1/onboarding/

NOTE: API key should be a parameter in the URL, rather than a part of the payload:


List Onboards – JSON Structure

https://api.vsure.com.au/v1/onboarding/list Our list onboards API accepts JSON format:


The following is the details of the request:

accountkeyid - string

The key id of the account, obtainable from the account table.

onboard_status - string

Options: Review | Awaiting | Complete | All | Active.

Where Active = Awaiting OR Review

Default if not included: Active

page_number - whole number

displaying 1000 per page. Default: 1

Data Returned

The following is the details of the data:

onboard_id – string

The unique identifier of the self-onboard request

employee_id – string

The unique identifier from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering

external_id – string

A second unique identifier against the right to work request from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering.

onboard_status - string

Options: Review | Awaiting | Complete | All | Active.

given_names - string

The given names of the visa holder.

family_name - string

The family name of the visa holder.

email – string

The email address of the visa holder.

mobile_number – string

The Australian mobile number of the visa holder. Format 0000000000.

datetime - Date and Time

Date and time of last action.

GET Employee Self-Onboard Details – JSON Structure


Our GET Onboard Details API accepts JSON format: json


The following is the details of the request:

accountkeyid - Required - string

The key id of the account, obtainable from the account table.

The request must have Either or Both of the following:

employee_id – Optional - string

The unique identifier from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering

onboard_id – Optional - string

The unique identifier of the self-onboard request

Data Returned

The following is the details of the data:

onboard_id – string

The unique identifier of the self-onboard request

employee_id – string

The unique identifier from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering

external_id – string

A second unique identifier against the right to work request from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering.

**given_names **- string

The given names of the visa holder.

family_name - string

The family name of the visa holder.

onboard_status - string

Options: Review | Awaiting | All.

date_of_birth - string (Format: "YYYY-MM-DD")

The date of birth of the visa holder.

email – string

The email address of the visa holder.

mobile_number – string

The Australian mobile number of the visa holder. Format 0000000000.

sendtype – string

Options: Email | SMS | Both

location – string

An identifier for which venue/location etc the employee might work

group – string

Another identifier for grouping employees. Could be used for Role or Department etc

datetime - Date and Time

Date and time of last action.

Create new Self-Onboarding (Right To Work) Request – JSON Structure

API key should be a parameter in the URL, rather than a part of the payload.

Our API POST for creating new self-onboarding (Right To Work Check) requests accepts JSON format:


The following is the details of the data:

accountkeyid - Required - string

The key id of the account, obtainable from the account table.

employee_id – Recommended - string

The unique identifier from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering.

If not unique, will be merged within vSure with exiting self-onboard request.

If not included in POST, will be null, which does not trigger the onboard request to be merged.

external_id – string

A second unique identifier against the right to work request from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering.

Example: Background Check Transaction ID from recruitment system; 

given_names - Recommended - string

The given names of the visa holder.

family_name - Recommended - string

The family name of the visa holder.

date_of_birth - Optional - date field (Format: "YYYY-MM-DD")

The date of birth of the visa holder.

The request MUST have either or both of the following:

email – string

The email address of the visa holder.

mobile_number – string

The Australian mobile number of the visa holder. Format 0000000000.

employment_status – Optional - string

This defines the status of the candidate/employee. Default as Current if not defined in the POST.



"Current" (default)

NOTE: Prospective = pre-employment aka Candidate. If Prospective is used, and the candidate progresses to the status of an active employee, then something will need to change the status of the Staff from Prospective TO Current. This can be via the Web App Employee API or manually via the vSure user interface.

sendtype – Optional - string

This defines how the Right To Work self-Onboard is sent to the candidate/employee.





The system defaults to: Both if both Email and Mobile are included in the email text; Email if only email address is included in the email text; SMS if only Mobile is present.

location – Optional - string

An identifier for which venue/location etc the employee might work

group – Optional - string

Another identifier for grouping employees. Could be used for Role or Department etc

Update Self-Onboarding Request – JSON Structure

Our UPDATE API for updating exiting self-onboarding requests accepts JSON format:


The following is the details of the data:

key - Required - string

The vSure API key we provided to you

accountkeyid - Required - string

The key id of the account, obtainable from the account table.

The request must have Either or Both of the following:

employee_id – Optional - string

The unique identifier from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering

Cannot be null if included in the JSON.

onboard_id – Optional - string

The unique identifier of the self-onboard request

external_id – string

A second unique identifier against the right to work request from an external system such as ATS, HRIS, Payroll or Rostering.

given_names - Optional - string

The given names of the visa holder.

family_name - Optional - string

The family name of the visa holder.

date_of_birth - Optional - string (Format: "YYYY-MM-DD")

The date of birth of the visa holder.

email – Optional - string

The email address of the visa holder.

**mobile_number **– Optional - string

The Australian mobile number of the visa holder. Format 0000000000.

location – Optional - string

An identifier for which venue/location etc the employee might work

group – Optional - string

Another identifier for grouping employees. Could be used for Role or Department etc